Move 4ward with a Learning Analytics Solution


Move 4ward with a Learning Analytics Solution

8 May 2019

Today’s workforce consists of multiple generations with rapid changes occurring in technology and innovation. As such, the need is increasing for employees to be able to transition from one position to another, adapting to the new skills quickly. A report was released at the World Economic Forum in January, “Towards a Reskilling Revolution: A Future of Jobs for All.” The report provided details of the declining industry skills along with the increasing skill needs required now and in the immediate future. However, our current workforce will require training to gain these skills. 

Most importantly, analysis and evaluation – LEARNING ANALYTICS – must be performed as the skills are taught to ensure training effectiveness is met. Learning analytics will focus on the needs, gaps, and strategic goals that can only be attained through collaboration, communication and visual confirmation of training success or failure. At the same time, learning analytics provides both qualitative and quantitative data which can be used to produce multiple products to verify training effectiveness.

As Quality Analytics Associates’ instructional designers complete the learning analytics process, we end with one or more of our products and services depending on the client’s needs and goals. For more about these, visit our website.

Take Away

Learning and training groups collect vast quantities of data with each new course or lesson. However, the more for more specific data involves collection beyond surveys and assessments. QAA uses multiple methods to gather data from all levels and views to achieve a full view of an organization’s training program’s value and needs. Contact Us to discuss what analytics you want to discover in your organization.